Happy 2013 to All!
Slow organic growth and a tepid M&A environment have caused an embarrassment of riches at many firms with increasing capital and cash levels. Managers are concerned about falling ROEs , stagnant earnings per share (EPS) and their incentive compensations plans which are tied to those measures. Shareholders are also expressing concern over raising capital levels. Their concern is it may be reinvested in over- priced acquisitions among other things. Thus, they are putting pressure on management to return excess capital. This in turn raises the question of how best to return capital. The focus of this post is on excess cash funded repurchases-not debt financed repurchases -which involve capital structure considerations.
A strength of our blog is the combined and sometimes differing viewpoints on topics. Today, Joe warns of the dangers of repurchases. On Monday, I'll talk about some positive elements of repurchases.
Slow organic growth and a tepid M&A environment have caused an embarrassment of riches at many firms with increasing capital and cash levels. Managers are concerned about falling ROEs , stagnant earnings per share (EPS) and their incentive compensations plans which are tied to those measures. Shareholders are also expressing concern over raising capital levels. Their concern is it may be reinvested in over- priced acquisitions among other things. Thus, they are putting pressure on management to return excess capital. This in turn raises the question of how best to return capital. The focus of this post is on excess cash funded repurchases-not debt financed repurchases -which involve capital structure considerations.
Share repurchases, aside from technical tax differences depending
on the tax status of the firm’s investor clientele, have similarities with
dividends as a cash distribution mechanism. For example, a dividend combined
with a reverse stock split yields the same result as share repurchase of the
same amount. Dividends and repurchases differ, however, in certain important
respects. For example, EPS will be higher with a repurchase compared with a
dividend absent a reverse split because of a reduced number of shares. This is
true even though the ROE is same under both distribution alternatives. Thus,
repurchases can be used to disguise poor earnings growth through manufactured
EPS growth by reducing the denominator of the calculation instead of improving
the numerator.
Another difference concerns the allocation of value between the
selling and remaining shareholders. All shareholders receive dividends. Only the
selling shareholders receive cash in a share repurchase. Remaining shareholders
are penalized when shares are repurchased at a price above their intrinsic
value. In that case value is transferred from the remaining shareholders to the
selling shareholders. Managing this risk is difficult as it can only be
assessed after the fact. Historically firms are poor at timing share
repurchases at the appropriate price-i.e. they overpay.
A simple discount to a target is insufficient to justify a
repurchase. The discount may be
warranted due to poor earnings prospects. Management over-optimism frequently
results in over-paying departing shareholders at the expense of those who
remain. Particular attention is needed
to guard against repurchases that are overpriced to influence stock prices by
increasing EPS. Managers seeking to game incentive compensation systems tied to
these measures will propose repurchases. EPS improvements following a
repurchase are, however, offset by falling price-to-earnings ratio without necessarily
increasing long term value. Repurchases affect the distribution of value, not
the creation of value as operating results remaining unchanged.
Boards reviewing a repurchase proposal should follow a three-step
process. First, they need to understand and approve the motive for the
repurchase. Motives other than the efficient return of excess cash should be
challenged. Next directors must understand the firm’s conservatively calculated
intrinsic value. They should approve stock repurchases only below that value.
Thus, managers should justify repurchase prices based on credible intrinsic
value estimates.
Boards should be skeptical of managerial undervaluation claims.
This may reflect a poor investor communications that should correct over time.
Alternatively, investors may not believe management value estimates. When in
doubt a special dividend may be better than a potentially overpriced
repurchase. Finally, the distribution should be part of an overall capital plan
that is tested under adverse macroeconomic scenarios.
The repurchase decision involves complex valuation and governance
considerations. Investors are not and should not be indifferent to these
factors. This requires clear thinking by the board to protect the interests of
non-selling shareholders against potentially conflicting management
motivations. Capital management assumes Uheightened importance in a low growth
environment. This includes selecting the best means to return capital to
shareholders when it cannot be profitably reinvested in organic or acquisition
opportunities. Repurchases are not necessarily bad, but when misused they can
reduce shareholder value. So, shareholders beware.
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