Unlike the 1997
movie-this story does not have a happy ending. A January 30, 2013 Citi Credit
Research note titled "The Goodwill Game" provides some interesting
insights into the extent of recent M&A over-payments. Goodwill is the
difference between the price paid and the book value of the assets acquired. It
represents a proxy, albeit crude, for the premium paid by the acquirer. It is
tested in subsequent years for an impairment charge if the value of the assets
declines relative to their original carrying value. The valuation methods used
are similar to those Ralph has
previously outlined. (See, for example, Estimating Value, Part 1). Recent examples of substantial write-downs include
HP's $8.8B charge on the Autonomy and Rio Tinto's $3.5B write-down on mining
assets. Alarmingly, the report shows that goodwill growth is out-pacing total
asset increases.
The write-downs highlight the importance of the three most
important things in an acquisition: price, price and price. Over paying, as
represented by goodwill, is the reason why most acquisitions fail to create
value for the buyer's shareholders. Management often tries to explain write-downs
as unimportant non-cash charges. The cash, however was lost when the over-priced
acquisition was made. Furthermore, the write-down reduces managerial
accountability for the remaining assets-the out-of-sight-out-of-mind effect.
Post write-down, the future operating performance can actually appear to
improve. Perhaps, we should consider keeping the investment's original value
when determining performance reviews?
The problem is worse still for serial acquirers like HP who, while
suffering from depressed share prices, continue to make over priced
acquisitions to cover-up a declining business model. Shareholders tired of
seeing the wealth wasted in high premium-high goodwill acquisitions should
insist that Boards pressure management to stop the madness and return the
capital to them via dividends. The kingdom may be smaller, but its citizens
will be richer.
Investors should keep a close eye on the level of goodwill
creation and write-downs as we continue into the earnings-10K season. It
provides an insight into the quality of management and their acquisition
proposals. It also raises questions concerning Board oversight and governance
of the acquisition process.
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