How real are the nosebleed high implied venture capital
valuations being tossed around? For example, Pinterest raised $370 million which
gave it an implied value of $11 billion. Snapchat has an implied $15 billion
value following an Alibaba investment. The number of “pre-IPO” venture capital
backed firms with implied values exceeding $1 billion (AKA unicorns) has
increased from under 50 last year to almost 80 this year. My suspicion many of these
implied values are “funny money” i.e. not real.
What passes for valuation in venture capital is really relative
pricing based on what someone else paid for something similar, which could be
wrong. This is especially true in today’s environment where investors are
driven more by FOMO (fear of missing out) than reason. Implied value is at best
a proxy for market value and is often misleading. Implied value is determined
by dividing an investor’s dollar investment by the proposed ownership
percentage the investor receives. For example if you will receive 10% of the
firm for a $10 million investment, then the implied value is $100 million.
Looks simple, but there are serious complications to consider
including the following:
The ownership percentage is a negotiated item
reflecting relative bargaining positions and not a traditional market price. Comparables
used to substantiate declining ownership percentages can result in an
overvaluation when the comps themselves are overvalued. Venture firms flush with newly raised capital
have reduced bargaining power with potential issuers. Thus, they are accepting
smaller ownership percentages which inflate implied values.
A reality check is needed to justify the implied
price. This can be estimated by determining the future performance required to
justify the price paid. The aggressive future performance estimates, currently
exceeding 15X+ next year revenues, are often based on continued assumed weak
competition due to first mover or network effects which are as elusive as
merger related synergies. Thus, the needed future performance is becoming more
difficult to achieve.
Beware of receiving different terms. Venture
firms usually invest in preferred not common stock. Liquidation preference (AKA
the ratchet) differences in preferred stock can impact real values and are
often ignored in implied valuations. These liquidation preferences allow the
holder to receive more shares upon a liquidation event (e.g. a sale or IPO) if
the price received upon that event is below their investing value. This gives certain
investors an in-effect look back re-pricing option, which is valuable and needs
to be considered when pricing an investment. Warren Buffett refuses to invest
in situations when he is not pari passu with other investors and so should you.
Limited financial information, due diligence and
issuer financial infrastructure increases the risk of error or worse yet-fraud
for pre-IPO unicorns. Also, there is no guaranty of an IPO; hence the
investments are illiquid. Holding a minority position in a non public firm is a
potentially unpleasant experience. Even if there is an IPO, it may be at a
lower than expected price, which can trigger a ratchet.
You can only accurately value your
venture capital investment twice-once when you make it and once when you exit.
Relying on implied values going in can lead to some nasty surprises when
exiting the investment. The implied values for many unicorns may not be real.
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