Ralph’s post
raises some interesting valuation issues. A strong USD is supposedly aiding an
increase of domestic firms acquiring foreign firms. The argument is, for
example, the 25% appreciation of the USD against the Euro over the past years
makes Euro zone targets cheaper. This, however, only looks at half of the
exchange equation. You indeed pay less USD for the Euro assets (assuming the
target does not change their price). You also receive less-the expected value
of the future Euro cash flows when converted back to USD is also lower. This is
the reason why many U.S. multinationals are now experiencing earnings declines.
Some argue the translation effects should be ignored as noncash accounting
noise. This of course assumes the FX effects will reverse. It also ignores the
opportunity loss on the depreciated target cash flows during the interim period.
Others allege you are still better off buying today at a
lower price and receiving depreciated Euro cash flows than buying last year at
the higher prices. This assumes you can correctly forecast FX movement and
market time your purchases. If you can, then why bother with M&A? Probably
better to speculate directly on FX rather than using the firm’s balance sheet.
I highlighted
approaches to valuing foreign assets
based on parity among foreign exchange, interest and inflation rates. The first
approach involves converting foreign cash flows into the home (e.g. USD)
currency using interest rate parity relationships; then discounting the
converted cash flows using appropriate USD discount rates. The second reflected
below values cash flows in foreign currency terms:
Forecast target cash flows in local terms:
Discount the target cash flows in local currency
(e.g. Euros)
Discount the Euro cash flows using local rates
to calculate Euro NPV; expected change in FX rates reflected in local rates.
Spot the Euro NPV into USD
Under this approach, FX movements should not have a material
effect on cross border acquisitions as the decreased price reflects the lower
valued cash flows. Yet, as the Erel, et al article highlights FX rate movements
do appear to be correlated with M&A activity. Perhaps, acquirers in strong
currency countries are better performing because their economies are stronger.
This may make these acquirers more confident as they feel wealthier and have
higher risk appetites. Alternatively, they could be confused by the depressed
Euro prices and interrupt them as being cheaper hence better buys than domestic
USD dominated targets. A more sinister view is it may reflect disguised
currency speculation.
My basic view remains unchanged; focus on the fundamentals.
There “ain’t no free lunch”. You get what pay for. There are many complications
in cross border M&A. Do not get side tracked with dubious “bargain” FX
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